Thursday, February 12, 2015

"Journalism can't be journalism until it's published"

The quote "Journalism can't be journalism until it's published" was brought up in a media class of mine. I believe this quote to be true. I took a moment to look up different definitions of journalism and all of them included the process of collecting, covering, and dispensing news. Each of these three steps have to work together in order to complete the process of journalism. Now with the times changing and social media becoming even more popular around the world, the process of dispensing news has changed. News is immediate now. There really is no wait for it. You used to have to wait for the newspaper to come out in the morning to find out what is going on in other places. Now a Journalist can write 140 characters or less about breaking news, publish it on Twitter, and the world will know within a matter of seconds. So yes, journalism can't be journalism until it is published. It would be just a web of facts put together in someones computer if it isn't published.

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